
(Greek: κρυπτεία / krupteía, from κρυπτός / kruptós, “hidden, secret things”)

Archive for August 19th, 2016

ShadowBrokers Bitcoin Transactions: Now There’s Some Taint For You!

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Screenshot from 2016-08-19 07-24-54


So I was looking at the bitcoin status of the #ShadowBrokers account and something interesting began to take shape. What I noticed, with the help of my trusty Maltego (@paterva) was that some transactions with “tainted” bitcoins was happening. Of course I am using the word taint in it’s original form here in that there be some funky shit going on. It seems that not only that ShadowBrokers are WAY short of the eleventy billion bitcoins they want (at about $990.00 last night) but that if I am reading this right, some of the bitcoin payments are coming from the seized Silk Road bitcoins and account.

Screenshot from 2016-08-19 08-11-55Silk Road SEIZED bitcoins SENDING DIRECT TO SHADOW

Screenshot from 2016-08-19

Well now isn’t that an iteresting development eh? So, is this to say that these coins are still in the coffers of the feds and they are being sent to ShadowBrokers to chum the water here? Maybe get a conversation going? Maybe to get the bitcoins flying so others can trace some taint? Of course once you start to look at that address and the coins in and out there you get some other interesting hits. Suddenly you are seeing US Marshall service as well being in that loop. Which makes sense after the whole thing went down with the theft of coins and such by rogue agents of the USSS and DEA.

Screenshot from 2016-08-18 17-07-54

Hiya marshal!

THEN we get into stranger territory…

Once you start really looking at the transactions for ShadowBrokers you get this sense of the l337 -ness you are going up against…

Screenshot from 2016-08-19 08-03-28We are all l337 here

Screenshot from 2016-08-19 08-02-50

Sent to

Screenshot from 2016-08-19 08-02-03

Sent to

Screenshot from 2016-08-19 08-01-06Sent to

It’s all amusing but one has to wonder just what is going on here. Now, if the Silk Road coins are still in the hands of the US GOV then who is sending ShadowBrokers fractions of them and why? Now, I began to ponder the imponderables last night. What if, and you can see this once you start to dig around with Maltego, the coins being paid to the account so far also come from other accounts that are, shall we call them cutout accounts for the government?


I know, you are probably saying to yourself right about now that Krypt3ia needs to drink some more and chill the fuck out but lemme splain…

If you were the gubment and you wanted to maybe trace these fuckers would you maybe try to chum the bitcoin waters to see what wallets are used for any liquidation of the bitcoins later? I would.. Just a thought and with the hits there to the silk road and the marshall’s service I kinda wonder. In any case this is interesting and I am LOVING the l337 status on those transactions hahaha. You guys take a look and see for yourselves. I just thought this was an interesting development.

Alright, continue your cybers people and PUT ON YOUR HELMETS!!!

Dr. K.

Written by Krypt3ia

2016/08/19 at 12:26