
(Greek: κρυπτεία / krupteía, from κρυπτός / kruptós, “hidden, secret things”)

Archive for September 21st, 2011


with 7 comments

They say that imitation is a form of flattery, but what is outright copying & pasting of original content and pretending its your own? That’s called PLAGIARISM and its WRONG Mr Steven Lentz CISSP. As you can see from the picture directly below, this is a blog post that I ALLOWED InfosecIsland to publish because they ASKED me to.

My post


What YOU did as can be seen below, is SCRAPED the content, REMOVED MY NAME and all ATTRIBUTION as to where you purloined the content and posted it as YOUR OWN! This I am pretty sure is AGAINST CISSP CODE OF CONDUCT.


How is it that you or anyone else today feels the need to steal others content and publish it as their own? Trust me, with Google and other means we can tell who is linking what and who is scraping our content for their own! YOU Sir, have crossed the line and you KNOW IT.

ISC as well as have recieved letters about this and the OTHER content that you have PLAGIARISED.



Written by Krypt3ia

2011/09/21 at 15:06

Posted in Plagiarism